Monday, October 2, 2017

A Well Regulated Militia

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

These guys look like what Mr. Madison and Jefferson had in mind.

But these guys are what the Supreme Court had in mind:

Nobody cares much about these guys.


  1. If the country wasn't moved enough to act after the slaughter of 20 children in an elementary school, why would we think the killing of 58 adults in Las Vegas would motivate us? At best, this horrible event may keep the NRA quiet for a week - although I'm sure they will be quickly warning us not to politicize the shooting. If only there had been more good guys with guns in the crowd...

  2. Anon,
    Read the letters to the NYT. They are crying out the best safety measures would be to arm everyone.
    Sure would have helped with Las Vegas. Everyone in the crowd could have opened fire on whoever they thought was shooting at them.

  3. Your post is simply and eloquently stated Mad Dog and I am of course in complete agreement with the points made by you and Anon. If Sandy Hook couldn't prompt gun control legislation will this latest slaughter? Remains to be seen. Stock in gun manufacturing went up yesterday and they expected a run on gun sales nation wide. Apparently not everyone comes to the same conclusion that you did- armed crowds won't solve the problem it will make it worse. As Caleb Keeter, a musician who was there Sunday night has publicly stated, having a gun was of no use for he and his band mates. They were afraid to pull out their guns for fear the police would think they were the bad guys and they'd have been shot. Even if they had taken out their weapons, what could they possibly have done to stop the lunatic across the street on the 32nd floor. They were out gunned. Which will probably always be the case unless we want to provide attendees at any major event their own personal sub machine gun as they know, just in case...Well then again, that might lead to the problem you mentioned of victims shooting each other, but no matter-at least they'd be taking some action..Gun folks like action..

    Anyway, Mr Keeter, a previous supporter of gun rights, has now had a change of heart and has become an over night supporter of gun control. Let's hope there's more like him out there, because you just know the NRA is in some back room-or rat hole-plotting their next move...Guess their recent push for silencers will have to be shelved...for a bit...

  4. Maud,

    I suspect Mr. Keeter is the exception.
    I do not think gun control advocates (and I am one) have thought enough about what to do about all those guns already out there.
    You can plug the hole in the bottom of the boat, but what do you do about the water that is already up to the knees of the passengers?
    First, of course, you have to have agreement from the Supreme Court that individual citizens have no right to own guns--only the government (or its militia members) has that right. I have no clue whether the majority of Americans agree. I know one group of Americans which vociferously oppose this proposition--the NRA and its acolytes.
    Looks to me as if there is no likelihood of winning this battle.
    All we'll see is nibbling around the edges.
    Mad Dog
