Friday, April 6, 2018

World Rape Record

If Donald Trump means anything, it's that he's made a whole cohort of ignorant people feel important, feel they have a seat at the table, feel like their voice and their opinions, however ill founded, matter.

You can see it on Fox News every morning: Dimwits who do not have enough RAM in their short term memory to capture data and to use "facts" in developing an argument are now on equal footing with all those smart boys and girls who can do all that.

The President has made the declarative sentence sufficient in and of itself. In speech, there is logic.

So that band of a thousand illegal immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala making its way across Mexico toward the US border raping at "levels never seen before in the history of the world" is just that, whatever Mr. Trump says it is.

So, are they raping the women in this group or are they raping Mexicans along the route of their path or are they raping each other?  And are they raping once daily, twice daily? And does their rape rate exceed that of the  Mongol hordes and Genghis Khan?  Do they rape more than the Red Army as it swept across Germany? Do they rape more than the Rwanda rapists?  Does Mr. Trump have a rape index to compare world rape numbers over the world's history?

Just consider that: Rape at levels never seen before in the world's history. It's breath-taking really. And Mr. Trump knows this.

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